yukoner magazine Index of available issues
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Issue No. 1

"Mattie," by Darrell Hookey (a biography of Mattie Chapman)

Sixty Years North of Sixty, by Chappy Chapman (Chappy's memoirs of the Northwest Mounted Police)

Trapper's Gold (story of a lost gold mine), by the editor

Hatch's Yukon, photographs by John Hatch

A Foggy Moose Hunt (a tall tale), by the editor

Remembering Bob Russell (of Dawson City), by Carol Bratvold

Zero, by Anton Money (survival story)

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Issue No. 2

Whitehorse is Heaven for a Single Girl, by Jack Scott (reprinted from a Maclean's article, 1952)

The House that Fred Built, (Fred Dohle of Marsh Lake) by Dianne Green

A Kluane Wedding, (Obie & Karin's wedding at Burwash Landing) photographs by the editor

Hector Lang, (Yukon bridge builder) by Darrell Hookey

The Road to Ross River, (South Canol Road) by Frank McLaughlin

An Almost True Tale, by the editor

The Killing of Sheslay Free Mike, by the editor

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Issue No. 3

Encounter with Wolves, (Stewart River trapping) by Kathryn Cameron Boivin

The Wedding That Never Was, by Rev. A. Cuschieri

The Betty Taylor Story, by Darrell Hookey

A Dog-Gone Tale, by Sam Holloway

Sweater With a Story, by Sheila D. Rose

Mysterious Lady, by Rev. A. Cuschieri

Letters from the Great Stampede, by Ned Hoggan

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Issue No. 4

Wrecking Trains in the Yukon, (working for the White Pass Railway) by Gerry Warner

The Raven's Breakfast, by Rev. A. Cuschieri

Klondike Joe Boyle, by Sam Holloway

Gordon McIntyre Story, by Darrell Hookey

Old Sweat, (our big dog) by Sam Holloway

Spring in Paradise, by Rob Alexander

A Job for Smilers, (Burwash Lodge) by Sam Holloway

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Issue No. 5

Moving the Klondike, (Chuck Morgan moving the S.S. Klondike sternwheeler to its last resting place) by Sam Holloway

Margaret and Marie, (Margaret Mitchell and Marie Fotheringham) by Darrell Hookey

Sluggers of Dawson, (boxing. 1904) by Darrell Hookey

On Becoming a Fighter, by Nick Burley

Tales for the Folks, by Sam Holloway

Loading Barges (photos), by Gordon McIntyre

Silly Season, by Rob Alexander

Robert Campbell, Yukon Explorer, by William J. Betts

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Issue No. 6

Christmas Journey, (trapline) by Delores Smith

Paddlin' the Big Salmon (River), by Gerry Warner

Ruth McIntyre Story, by Darrell Hookey

Mush On, Gene Dubois, by Dan Davidson

Going Outside, by Sheila Rose

Magic & Mystery, by Rob Alexander

Robert Campbell, Yukon Explorer, by William J. Betts

The Goldseeker, (novella) by Sam Holloway

Subscription and back issues available. Go to order page.

Index of Issues #7 to #12

Index of Issues #13 to #18

Index of Issues #19 to #24

Index of Issues #25 to #30

Index of Issues #31 to #34

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